20 Date Ideas for Your Love Language

Date nights and time spent together are so important to any lasting, yet exciting relationship whether you’re planning your wedding or have already tied the knot! What’s equally as important is making sure on those dates that you and your partner are both feeling loved. Cue the love languages! According to Dr. Gary Chapman’s popular relationship book, there are five universal ways that all people express and interpret love: the love languages. I’ll be breaking down what they are below & the perfect date nights for each, but if you’re curious to know yours right away, find out here!


Warm Toned Modern Romantic Engagement Photos in Date Nights for Your Love Language | photo by Saul Cervantes Wedding Photography | The Pink Bride® www.thepinkbride.com


1. Words of Affirmation

People with the love language of words of affirmation treasure those “I love you’s” and other sweet compliments. Obviously, words hold a higher value to this type, so letting your partner know how much they mean to you and how much you care for them is the sure sign to keeping them content and happy. The ideal date for this type definitely focuses on the written and spoken words describing your relationship and love story.

  • Recreate your first date or where you fell in love, while letting your partner know throughout the date when and how you knew they were the one or what you loved about them then and now.
  • Write love letters to each other! There is nothing sweeter than a handwritten note from your honey to treasure forever!
  • Visit a bookstore to find the best love quotes or stories to read to each other.
  • Create a scavenger hunt around your house or neighborhood with post-its of things that you love about them. It’s both thoughtful and fun!


Warm Toned Modern Romantic Engagement Photos in Date Nights for Your Love Language | photo by Saul Cervantes Wedding Photography | The Pink Bride® www.thepinkbride.com


2. Quality Time

Quality time is needed in any relationship, but with a quality time type love language it is imperative. With this type, your partner needs to feel that undivided attention. No phones, no distractions, lots of eye contact, and most importantly, you!

  • Go for a walk around your neighborhood and just talk with one another. Spot your favorite houses or reconnect on the basics!
  • Head down to the local park, and have a picnic. Extra points for delicious wine, too!
  • Movie night! Whether it’s a movie you’ve seen 100 times or the newest blockbuster, spending the one-on-one time and being close will make them feel like a star. You can even move this to a drive-in for a vintage feel!
  • Road trip! Nothing bonds two people more than a couple of gas station snacks, a playlist you can sing to, and being alone in a car together for hours at a time.


Warm Toned Modern Romantic Engagement Photos in Date Nights for Your Love Language | photo by Saul Cervantes Wedding Photography | The Pink Bride® www.thepinkbride.com


3. Receiving Gifts

No, this type isn’t all about the material things, but they do appreciate the effort and thought behind a well-meaning gift to know they’re cherished by their significant other. It doesn’t have to be expensive either! Handmade gifts are often the best!

  • Make the most out of holidays, even the small ones! Who cares if it’s not a major holiday, a box of donuts on National Donut Day is just as good!
  • Surprise them with tickets to see their favorite band or have a good belly laugh at a local comedy show.
  • Have a pamper night for your lady with new bath bombs, face masks, lotions, and candles. Or host a “guys night” for just you two with his favorite things!
  • Anything sentimental that’s marking your relationship will mean the world to them. Whether that’s a piece of jewelry or a photo collage you handmade, they will be over the moon!


Warm Toned Modern Romantic Engagement Photos in Date Nights for Your Love Language | photo by Saul Cervantes Wedding Photography | The Pink Bride® www.thepinkbride.com


4. Acts of Service

For this type, actions definitely speak louder than words! Life is hard, wedding planning is hard, and newlywed life can sometimes be hard too. This type wants their partner to see that and lend a helping hand whenever they can.

  • Take a class together and then implement that in your daily life to do for them or with them. Think cooking, massage, or even mixology.
  • Cook a meal for them and clean up!
  • Work out together. It’s always better with a partner!
  • Start (or finish) that DIY project they have been wanting to do forever.


Warm Toned Modern Romantic Engagement Photos in Date Nights for Your Love Language | photo by Saul Cervantes Wedding Photography | The Pink Bride® www.thepinkbride.com


5. Physical Touch

Hand holding, hugs, sweet kisses, touch is what it’s all about for this type. It doesn’t have to be total PDA overkill either! That re-affirming physical contact from their S.O. makes them feel safe and loved even if it’s a hand on their back or a quick peck on the cheek.

  • At home couples massage! Either hiring a pro to come in or giving each other massages, there’s no wrong way!
  • A fun activity like ice skating or rollerblading screams touch if you’re anything like me falling every 5 minutes around the rink.
  • Dance classes are all about connecting with one another and the music, and of course getting close! Try salsa to take it up a notch!
  • Go to a theme park! Strapped in close on a roller coaster with your adrenaline pumping makes for a great date, and holding hands all day isn’t bad either.


What’s your love language, and which date would you love to go on? Let us know in the comments below!


All photos by Saul Cervantes Wedding Photography



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